Notice on resuming face-to-face classes from Mar. 31st 2022
- 작성자 KLC
- 조회수 1,498
Hello, this is Kyung Hee University's Korean Language Center.
From this Thursday, March 31, we would like to have both face-to-face class (meet in person in the classroom at school) and non-face-to-face class (online Zoom class). In the meantime only non-face-to-face class has been conducted due to the strengthening of COVID-19 quarantine. However we understand that the face-to-face class provides students a better educational environment, therefore we decide to held both Off-line and On-line class this time.
Student who are attending in the face-to-face classes must follow the quarantine regulations below.
1. Always wear a KF-80 or KF-94 mask on the campus and wash your hands frequently.
2. When you come to school, make sure to measure your body temperature on the front door of the first floor. You can enter the classroom only when your body temperature is normal.
3. Must keep the social distance with classmates during the class.
4. If you have similar symptoms or suspect symptoms of COVID-19 infection yourself, take COVID-19 Self-Test kit test immediately.
5. Please do not gathering during the breaks or after the class and stay safe at home as much as possible.
◆ If you have any symptoms listed below, please do not come to school.
1. If any of the cohabitants are subject to self-quarantine, please do not come to school and take online class until the cohabitant's self-quarantine is lifted.
2. If you or cohabitants have any suspicious symptoms, please keep self-quarantine at home until gets the test result.
3. If you have fever or have any suspicious symptoms in your respiratory system, please contact your homeroom teacher or administrative staff immediately. (Administration office phone number: 02-961-0268)
Students must follow the quarantine guidelines to maintain a stable class environment. Please be aware of the above and participate in the face-to-face class. Stay healthy and study hard during the spring.
Thank you.
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